making the best out of it...

How Much Juice in One Lime? - Simply Healthy Family

Ages since my last post... tones of water has passed under the bridge.

What about this “new normality” – how much of “normal” does it have for you?

I must say for me it’s been quite “interesting” this year.

I tend to adapt to the situations (sometimes this is a problem). Right now, I decide to get along with it and find ways to take the most out of it.

During the quarantine I did enjoy having more time. Besides the worry about my business, I really appreciated to slow down.

I had time (or better said – I made time) for painting; meditating; discovering new recipes…

And no, I didn’t really miss much. Seeing friends? Well, we managed video calls and that did the trick. Travelling… that was hard. For this year I had 4 trips planned, tickets bought; hotels reserved.

That could not be replaced. But I ended up finding a succedaneum  for that: I’ve planned a Brazilian day where I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner (typical Brazilian dishes); I prepared a presentation about  interesting things about history and things which are not commonly known. At the evening we watched a Brazilian film. It was really nice (the following weekend Martin prepared the same about Switzerland and a friend who was living with us at that time prepared it about Mexico). We had a blast.

Then life came back. Worries about our business and about the future. About diseases.

And this so called “new normality” sneaked in. For staying. So we’d better get used to that.

I believe the first step is to accept that this is it my friend. We’ll have to learn to deal with social distance; with less mobility; uncertainty. Once we accept it is when we can start finding ways to contour it. What we used to do before, does not work now.  For new problems, new solutions.

I also realised that the mind can be either your friend or your private nightmare.

I had something to solve in our business and while I was whining about why I couldn’t do what I wanted to, I was blocked. Till the moment I accepted that I couldn’t do it and asked myself “ok then, what CAN I DO?” and amazingly my mind start working for me instead of against me! And I had a lot of ideas which I could put in practice and many are really working out.

Of course I’m speaking from a comfortable position: I’m in good health so is my husband and close friends and family; my business is working well despite of all what’s falling on our heads. But still; if you keep anything from what I’d said/written up to know, keep this: there is always a way... Keep it up! if life gives you lemons... make a caipirinha!

Be blessed and talk to you soon! Paula
