ajustando la mirada

Hace mucho que sigo a April Bowles y su Blacksburg Belle blog.
Muchisima informacion interesante sobre marketing para creativos (te la recomiendo!). En uno de sus posts sobre potenciar la creatividad, ella propone sacar una foto al dia (era un post de 101 propuestas creativas; no encuentro el link). Pero me quedé con la idea. Y como me he matriculado en el curso de fotografia de Paula Dietz, he pensado en empezar ya a ajustar la mirada. Me he propuesto hacer fotos con el tema "color". Conclusión: interesante... cuando focas, ves. He sacado fotos de lugares por donde paso cada dia y nunca me habia fijado en estos colores. Me encantó la experiencia!
Probaré otro tema en la proxima semana.

I have been following April Bowles for a while.  And I love her blog - great info about marketing for creatives (fully recomend it!). In one of her posts she proposes 101 ways to boostyour creativity. One of them was to take a picture a day. As I have signed up to Paula Dietz's photography course, I thought it would be a good exercise to start looking consciously at things... and have chosen the subject of the week: colour. Conclusion: very intersting... when you focus, you see. Those pictures were taken on the way to my studio - I cross those streets everyday and had never seen those colours. I loved the experience! I will chose another subject to next week :-)
